Microsoft SQL Server

Welcome to SQL server tutorial where you will learn very importtant concept of sql server.

                    SQL Server
                    Basic SQL Query
                    USE Britain
                    SELECT * FROM DBO.Britain

                    SQL Query with filter condition (Where)

                    (Two filters)
                    SELECT * FROM DBO.Britain WHERE City = 'LONDON' AND State = 'ENGLAND'

                    (Between Condition)
                    SELECT * FROM DBO.Britain WHERE Salary between 12000 and 30000

                    SELECT COUNT(Salary) FROM DBO.Britain WHERE Salary between 12000 and 30000

                    SQL Query with count
                    SELECT COUNT(City) FROM dbo.Britain
                    SELECT COUNT(City) FROM dbo.Britain  WHERE City = 'LONDON' AND State = 'ENGLAND'

                    SQL Query Backup table
                    SELECT * INTO TEMPBRITAIN FROM DBO.Britain

                    Update table with Case...end based on another table

                    UPDATE Flowslake
                    SET LOAN_SUBTYPE =
                    WHEN LOANTYPES = 'Secured Loan' THEN 'SL'
                    WHEN LOANTYPES = 'Unsecured Loan' THEN 'UL'
                    ELSE LOAN_SUBTYPE  -- If not 'Secured Loan' or 'Unsecured Loan, leave it as is


                    -- Declare and initialize the variable
                    DECLARE @Loantypes NVARCHAR(100)

                    -- Initialize the variable with 'Unsecured Loan'
                    SET @Loantypes = 'LOANTYPES'

                    -- Retrieve the value from the table based on the condition
                    SELECT @Loantypes = LOANTYPES FROM Flowslake

                    -- Check the value of the variable and update the table accordingly
                    IF @Loantypes = 'Secured Loan'
                    UPDATE Flowslake SET LOAN_SUBTYPE = 'SL' WHERE LOANTYPES = 'Secured Loan'
                    UPDATE Flowslake SET LOAN_SUBTYPE = 'UL' WHERE LOANTYPES = 'Unsecured Loan'

                    Update table with Joints

                    UPDATE TBLN
                    SET TBLN.[01-Nov] = TBLB.Status
                    FROM tblNovember_2023 AS TBLN
                    INNER JOIN Book7 AS TBLB ON TBLN.AHA_ID = TBLB.AHA_ID

                    Insert the data in new table

                    --Insert data in new table
                    select * into BackUp_tblStudent from tblStudent

                    Insert the data in already existing table which has data

                    --Insert in already existing table which already have data
                    insert into tblStudent select * from Dataset_P

                    Vlookup Like connection in SQL
                    SELECT Sht3.*, Sht1.[Name of Student]
                    FROM Sheet3 AS Sht3
                    LEFT JOIN Sheet1 AS Sht1 ON Sht3.[Name of Student] = Sht1.[Name of Student]
                    WHERE Sht1.[Name of Student] IS NULL
                    ORDER BY Sht1.[Name of Student];

                    Sht1.[Name of Student] AS [Sheet1_Name_of_Student] -- Rename this column uniquely
                    INTO #JointInserted
                    FROM Sheet3 AS Sht3
                    LEFT JOIN Sheet1 AS Sht1 ON Sht3.[Name of Student] = Sht1.[Name of Student]
                    WHERE Sht1.[Name of Student] IS NULL
                    ORDER BY Sht1.[Name of Student];

                    select * from #JointInserted (See the images below)

                    Delete the duplicate Data with Group by Max

                    Select SHT2.*, SHT1.BRANCH into #TempAdded2
                    from Sheet2 as SHT2
                    INNER JOIN Sheet1 as SHT1
                    ON SHT2.STATE = SHT1.STATE
                    order by STATE

                    select * from #TempAdded2 order by ID

                    select distinct State,branch,ID from #TempAdded2 order by ID

                    select State, branch, count(*) from #TempAdded2
                    group by State, branch
                    having count (*)>1

                    Delete from #TempAdded2 where ID not in ( select Max(ID) from #TempAdded2 group by State, branch)

                    Delete the duplicate Data with CTE and ROW Function

                    With TempAdded_CTE As
                    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Branch order by Branch) as RowNumber
                    from #TempAdded
                    select * from TempAdded_CTE

                    Delete from TempAdded_CTE where RowNumber >1

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